Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pastor ... Daddy

I realize that I have not been doing this blog justice, but our schedule has been quite full and I need a day off to update this blog. Right now it is 5am and I am squeezing in some time before everyone else wakes up.

When Pastor Jonah came to Oregon, he told us that he had 4 children, but 49 children total living in his home. He now has 55 because the need is so great. The following video shows us coming down the hill from the school(174 children) to Jonah's home. The school was started by his church about 13 years ago in the heart of the Muslim portion of the slums. He is trying to reach the community by providing Christian education for the children of those who cannot afford it.

Here is how he sleeps 12 to 18 children per room.

The store room. How could we drive off and leave it this empty and still say that the love of God lives in our heart. We couldn't. This is one of the places where we applied the donations from Calvary Chapel of Corvallis Oregon to bless this Pastor, his family, and his children, all 55 of them.

Small gifts go a long way to those who have very little. Kevin had the idea of allowing members of our church to fill up 4 suitcases with gifts and toys to give to the children at Jonah's house. Jonah told us that the children were so excited that they did not get to sleep until 2am. "We have never had so many gifts and all in one day."

The school:

The school children:

1 comment:

  1. Awesome vido Mark!!! It makes me hunger to return soon. Lord Bless and thanks for sharing! We are praying for you all!
