Saturday, September 17, 2011

Flowers of his field

Today was entirely devoted to serving the widows in the area. When we arrived at the church at a little after 10 am, about 150 widows were already at the church singing and praising God. Pastor Moses and his wife Betty have a heart for the widows and he calls them "The flowers of his field." Joy Ricks, Kevin Hall, and Moses shared scriptures with them and encouraged them over the next 4 hours. Of course there was exuberant singing between speakers.

The sermons were followed by a time of prayer and the laying on of hands for all who wanted prayer and the touch of God on their lives. Because there were now 265 women by this time, we divided them up into 4 prayer lines. As Shai and I touched and prayed for the widows in our line, I was hit with the awareness that each one had needs and that each one was special to God.

 At about 3pm we passed out gift bags containing a bar of soap, a bag of salt, a handkerchief from America decorated by members of Joy's church, and a pair of new panties. Yes a pair of new panties and I will add the the women clapped loudly when Betty mentioned that they would be getting a pair (some of the donations from the US were used for this outreach).

The afternoon ended with a generous warm meal for all of the widows who came.

1 comment:

  1. Mark thank you for sharing the great videos. You all are doing such a great work for the kingdom
